Grant Cycle 7
The Global Fund's GC7 grant is part of Senegal's strategy to accelerate the integration of interventions through a person-centred primary health care approach to ensure a more effective and efficient response to HIV. The request from the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), accepted by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, for a grant which is the result of a national country dialogue process involving all the stakeholders in the HIV response in an inclusive and participatory manner, will enable those involved to continue implementing interventions in order to meet the major challenges currently besetting the response.
Period of performance of GC7: From 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2026
- People infected and/or affected by HIV;
- Vulnerable groups ;
- People living with a disability;
- Populations in border areas;
- Mobile populations ;
- The general population.
Roles and responsibilities of the ANCS as a GC7 Principal Recipient
ANCS, the principal recipient of the GC7 civil society HIV grant, is responsible for management, technical and financial coordination, monitoring/evaluation and technical support for sub-recipients, sub-sub-recipients and other community players in the field involved in implementation.
It will be responsible for reporting to the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and to the Global Fund through the Local Fund Agency (LFA). Its staff is made up of experts in the fields of governance, financial and technical management, monitoring and evaluation, programme management, communication, documentation and audit, enabling it to play its role to the full.
To ensure a holistic approach to implementing the Global Fund programme in Senegal, the ANCS and its partners are working closely with the other bodies responsible for managing and coordinating the GC7, namely the MSAS and the CNLS, among others.
The players involved in implementation
The various players involved in implementing the programme are the principal recipient, sub-recipients, sub-sub-recipients and other community players in the field. They are required to work together in perfect coordination and with real thematic and geographical complementarity to achieve the objective and indicators set within the framework of the GC7.
Their role will be to plan and manage service packages under the supervision of ANCS and health district teams. This technical support strengthens the skills of all those involved at community level, enabling them to carry out all the planned tasks and activities.
The sub-recipients and other community players in the field are : AJD Pasteef, SWAA, RNP+, AP/CSID, AWA, JED, ONG 3D, RENAPOC, KEOH et CTA
The Mediators
As part of this programme, ANCS works with several profiles of mediators: On-site and PSL.
- 50 districts covered out of 79 ;
- 127 on-site mediators;
- 27 online health preventionists and 1 web mediator.
ANCS regional focal points
The focal point is the ANCS representative in his/her region, taking part in missions and visits from the central level, ensuring the coordination of activities in his/her region, ensuring the visibility of interventions which he/she must also share with the health and administrative authorities in his/her region. He is responsible for facilitating the recruitment of mediators, who are also under his supervision.
Technical and financial partners
In implementing GC7, ANCS is supported by partners such as the CCM, CLNS, MSAS,ONUSIDA, OMS and other partners from civil society organisations.