Who are we?


Our objectives

Make a significant contribution to the prevention, care and support of people infected with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS and other pandemics, and to the fight against poverty; 

Promoting human rights related to health and gender;

Promote sustainable action and community resilience against AIDS, other diseases, human rights violations and gender inequalities; 

To promote social entrepreneurship and build the capacity of the community sector and institutions in the areas covered by its mission; 

Influencing and improving policies and programmes to combat HIV/AIDS, drugs, other diseases, human rights violations, gender inequality and poverty. 


Our missions

Increase access to HIV and health promotion programmes ;

Helping community-based organisations to be effective players connected to healthcare systems;

Combating HIV and promoting health and health-related HD ;

To help reduce the spread of HIV, address the challenges posed by AIDS, and advocate for an enabling environment and sustainable funding for health. 


Our vision

People in good health;

Strong community and health systems ;

Involved and inclusive companies.


Our values

Health-related human rights

The lives of all human beings have the same value;

Everyone has the right to access comprehensive health and social services, including HIV/AIDS services;

The significant involvement of PLHIV, vulnerable people and high-risk groups is a high priority in the response to HIV/AIDS;

Reducing the vulnerability of children and young people ;

Taking gender into account ;

Combating stigmatisation and discrimination ;

The key and central role of communities in the response to the epidemic ;

Synergy between all the players;

Responsibility towards PLHIV, marginalised groups and all those who support the work to combat HIV and other diseases.


Our Targets

People infected and/or affected by HIV;

Vulnerable groups ;

People living with a disability;

Populations in border areas;

Mobile populations ;

The general population.

ancs bodies


Supreme Instance

Approves the technical and financial reports

Strategic direction

Validates the annual work plan and budget implemented by the Executive Body

Defines intervention strategies

Proposes the agenda for General Meetings

Execution of ANCS programmes and reporting to partners

Technical assistance to partners

Collecting and centralising information on HIV/AIDS