Regional RdR

Regional risk reduction project.

Regional RdR PROJECT

PROJECT TITLE Project to disseminate harm reduction expertise to community associations in French-speaking West Africa (Togo and Benin) as part of the fight against HIV and tuberculosis in drug-using populations.
DURATION 3 years
  • Doctors of the world
  • Coalition Plus
  • ANCS

Partner 1: Coalition Internationale Sida (Coalition PLUS)

Partner 2: National Alliance of Communities for Health (ANCS)

Partner 3: Bénin Orientation Neutre Santé (BORNES)

Partner 4: Platform of CSOs fighting HIV and promoting health

Partner 5: Espoir Vie Togo (EVT)

GENERAL OBJECTIVE Improving access to high-quality harm reduction services for drug-using populations in West Africa as part of the fight against HIV and tuberculosis.

OS1 Consolidate a healthcare offer that is accessible and adapted to drug users, particularly in the fight against HIV and tuberculosis, with a specific focus on women drug users, by building the capacity of community-based CSOs.

OS2 Developing a cross-cutting advocacy approach to bring about changes in national and regional policies on drug users to ensure greater respect for human rights

OS3 : Documenting and disseminating expertise and good practice in harm reduction for drug users

  • Togo
  • Benin
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Drug users
  • Community-based organisations Partners
  • Service providers
  • Agent in the judicial chain
  • Community leaders


  • Carrying out a bio-behavioural study;
  • Capacity building for partner CSOs ;
  • Carrying out outreach activities aimed at CDIs and creating links with health facilities to ensure a continuum of care;
  • Development of the integrated approach in a health facility in each country for adapted and non-stigmatising PUD treatment;
  • Promoting the community approach and supporting the development of low-threshold services in care centres for drug users;
  • Advocacy workshops with the security forces ;
  • Training journalists on RDR;
  • Workshops to upgrade communities of practice on the themes of harm reduction and rights ;
  • Strengthening the capacity of community-based CSOs in their advocacy approaches through the development of high-impact strategies;
  • Mobilising alliances and stakeholder synergies for more effective advocacy;
  • Implementing the advocacy actions identified and monitoring their impact;
  • Regional training on good practice: harm reduction, balanced and effective drug policies, civil society participation in advocacy;
  • Organisation of coordination and monitoring meetings and planning workshops ;
  • Workshops to represent and deconstruct the image of the PUD and to raise awareness of the human rights approach to the PUD among healthcare providers and local associations;
  • Workshop to share and validate the national strategy with partners (ECOWAS, WADC, WANCSA, etc.)