Generally speaking, CECOS has two essential functions: to improve the quality of ANCS's interventions and to develop its social entrepreneurship by generating a return on investment by obtaining additional resources to self-finance the organisation's activities. The operational mechanism (work organisation) that will be put in place aims to make optimal and shared use of the ANCS's human, material and financial resources. The operational mechanism proposed here is based on a cascade or staircase management model with several units (Board of Directors, Steering Committee/Executive Director, overall coordination of the system, coordination of the divisions) working to achieve the same objectives.
Within the CECOS, it is responsible for strategic definition, major decision-making, the choice of technical options and the use of resources generated by CECOS activities. It selects/validates the CECOS' intentions/projects; it validates the results and reports to the General Assembly, etc.
It is ultimately responsible for the CECOS. It sets up the organisation of work at CECOS level with the approval of the Board. It monitors and supervises the CECOS' operational performance. It validates planning and reports to the Board on problems and decisions within its remit. It is responsible for decision-making and facilitation. It reports to the Board on CECOS activities.
He is responsible for coordinating and leading the CECOS' four divisions. Reporting to the Executive Director. He/she is responsible for allocating actions to be carried out and monitoring the execution of work to be carried out as planned by the various divisions. He/she formalises the intermediate and final documents (studies, reflections, reports, etc.) produced by the Incubation Unit. It arbitrates malfunctions between the four divisions and reports decisions within its remit to the Executive Director. It reports to the Executive Director at agreed intervals.
It reports to the Technical Director and is made up of the Monitoring/Evaluation Officer, a Monitoring/Evaluation Assistant, a Programme Assistant, a member of the Board of Directors and 2 resource persons who may or may not be members of ANCS. The profile of these people should be sought in terms of their expertise in designing policy documents and innovative strategies, their experience in governance and management positions and their ability to document/capitalise innovations.
It reports to the ANCS Programme Coordinator. It is made up of: a monitoring/evaluation assistant, a programme assistant, a member of the finance sector, a member of the Board of Directors and 2 other people with proven experience in the provision of technical assistance, capacity building and support for the health system. This unit will support partner associations in implementing or testing innovations and best practices.
It is headed by the ANCS Communications/Marketing Manager. It is made up of the ED's administrative assistant, the Technical Director's assistant, a programme assistant, a member of the finance team and 2 members of the Board of Directors. It can call on outside expertise with experience of organising major events and a very good knowledge of resource mobilisation mechanisms.
The best option is to take into account the system put in place as part of the MSANCC/Karangé (Ministry of Health) and to consider it as that of the Centre. Otherwise, there is a risk of duplication, with more or less the same people doing 80% of the same tasks as part of the CECOS roll-out.
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