Details of the CONTINIUS PV programme

Ensuring the continuum of care for vulnerable populations (PV) through equitable access to quality health services in a COVID and post COVID context


PPandemic of COVID-19 a trained :

  • Containment in border regions or countries;
  • Difficult access to health services;
  • A sharp drop in the use of healthcare facilities, particularly by vulnerable populations.

In a context of :

  • Low level of respect for the rights of key populations;
  • Strong stigma.
  • Audit report on the Global Fund's Special Initiative 1 “Key Populations” from 2014 to 2016 
limited impact of interventions
  •  Continius PV : complementary to initiatives supported by the Global Fund,
  • Federates a number of structures (CRCF, ANCS, Plan International, SSD and RNP+ )
  • To strengthen the management of three diseases (malaria, tuberculosis and HIV)

General objective

 Ensure a continuum of care for vulnerable populations, particularly women, by providing quality healthcare services in a COVID and post COVID context by July 2025.

Specific objectives

 In the regions of Kaolack, Sédhiou, Kolda and Ziguinchor

  1. Improving access to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria diagnosis

 - setting up an integrated mobile unit for diagnosis and transport of samples between care sites and analysis laboratories

  1. Improving the quality of care, especially for women

- by promoting and bringing together primary health care services and communities for the prevention and management of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria

  1. Extending the coverage of the community observatory TB, HIV and malaria in the 4 regions and improve the representation of women.
  2. Strengthen collaboration between HIV, tuberculosis and malaria services at national, cross-border and community level between Senegal, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau and Gambia.

Project scope and duration

  • Regions

– Kaolack, Kolda, Sédhiou, Ziguinchor

  • Border zone


ØGuinée Conakry

ØGuinée Bissau

  • 36-month term

1er July 2022 - July 31, 2025


  • The project targets :

    2,600 people in total, including 200 children, 1,600 women


  1. Integrated mobile units will offer a package of integrated services (screening, prevention, care, etc.), centered on health districts.

  2. Capacity building for healthcare professionals and community players

  3. Extension of the integrated community observatory to project regions

  4. Coordination with cross-border health and administrative authorities for better monitoring of people suffering from the three diseases

  5. Operational research
    • To analyze the operation and interventions of the community observatory in Senegal, in its social-health environment, their effectiveness and their impact on improving access to quality care.

Expected results

  • Improved access to quality health services (screening, treatment, prevention, etc.), especially for vulnerable populations.

  • Better consideration of gender and human rights in the management of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV.

Project partners

Funding: Expertise France

 CRCFProject sponsor


  • ­RNP+
  • ­ANCS
  • ­SSD

­International plan

  • Implementation partners
  • Medical regions
  • Health districts