Ensuring the continuum of care for vulnerable populations (PV) through equitable access to quality health services in a COVID and post COVID context
PPandemic of COVID-19 a trained :
- Containment in border regions or countries;
- Difficult access to health services;
- A sharp drop in the use of healthcare facilities, particularly by vulnerable populations.
In a context of :
- Low level of respect for the rights of key populations;
- Strong stigma.
- Audit report on the Global Fund's Special Initiative 1 “Key Populations” from 2014 to 2016
limited impact of interventions
- Continius PV : complementary to initiatives supported by the Global Fund,
- Federates a number of structures (CRCF, ANCS, Plan International, SSD and RNP+ )
- To strengthen the management of three diseases (malaria, tuberculosis and HIV)
General objective
Ensure a continuum of care for vulnerable populations, particularly women, by providing quality healthcare services in a COVID and post COVID context by July 2025.
Specific objectives
In the regions of Kaolack, Sédhiou, Kolda and Ziguinchor
- Improving access to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria diagnosis
- setting up an integrated mobile unit for diagnosis and transport of samples between care sites and analysis laboratories
- Improving the quality of care, especially for women
- by promoting and bringing together primary health care services and communities for the prevention and management of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria
- Extending the coverage of the community observatory TB, HIV and malaria in the 4 regions and improve the representation of women.
- Strengthen collaboration between HIV, tuberculosis and malaria services at national, cross-border and community level between Senegal, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau and Gambia.
Project scope and duration
- Regions
– Kaolack, Kolda, Sédhiou, Ziguinchor
- Border zone
ØGuinée Conakry
ØGuinée Bissau
- 36-month term
1er July 2022 - July 31, 2025
The project targets :
2,600 people in total, including 200 children, 1,600 women
- Integrated mobile units will offer a package of integrated services (screening, prevention, care, etc.), centered on health districts.
- Capacity building for healthcare professionals and community players
- Extension of the integrated community observatory to project regions
- Coordination with cross-border health and administrative authorities for better monitoring of people suffering from the three diseases
- Operational research
- To analyze the operation and interventions of the community observatory in Senegal, in its social-health environment, their effectiveness and their impact on improving access to quality care.
Expected results
- Improved access to quality health services (screening, treatment, prevention, etc.), especially for vulnerable populations.
- Better consideration of gender and human rights in the management of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV.
Project partners
Funding: Expertise France
CRCFProject sponsor
- RNP+
International plan
- Implementation partners
- Medical regions
- Health districts